Site icon Methapharm Respiratory


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Methapharm Respiratory is part of Methapharm Specialty Pharmaceuticals. We are known collectively as Methapharm. Together, we are committed to meeting the needs of our clinical partners so that patients receive optimal care.

Methapharm is a privately held company with a focus on specialty pharmaceutical products. The company began operating in 1996 as a spin-off from the ACIC group of companies. Originally conceived to develop branded products from APIs manufactured within the ACIC Group, Methapharm has broadened its operations to partner with a number of leading international pharmaceutical companies to market and distribute specialty products in North America. Methapharm is licensed to distribute prescription drugs in all U.S. states and Canada and we operate distribution facilities in both countries. Our comprehensive capabilities make us an ideal partner for specialty products.

Methapharm Respiratory is focused on promoting diagnostic products that enhance respiratory care. We market our own proprietary products in North America and globally through partnerships with distributors. Methapharm Respiratory is seeking to expand its international network for its portfolio of diagnostic products.

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