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Welcome to Our Blog

Methapharm Respiratory is proud to work with healthcare practitioners to support the right diagnosis for patients exhibiting common respiratory symptoms such as cough, wheeze, and shortness of breath. We are a trusted partner for bronchoprovocation testing, supplying Provocholine and Aridol. We also offer training and education (CRCE) at no cost.

This blog is intended to be an additional resource to the education Methapharm currently offers through the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) and the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CSRT) approved CRCEs. While this blog will not provide education credits, it will explore current issues and interesting topics relevant to readers’ day-to-day work and personal lives. We hope that you will investigate further any of the topics we cover here. Please join us monthly as we share respiratory-related topics and beyond. 

The Neurological Connection to Cough

The Neurological Connection to Cough

A cough is a crucial defensive reflex that prevents materials from entering the lower airways. This prevents aspiration of particulate matter, secretions, and irritants inhaled from entering the airway. Although protective, once infectious organisms enter the airway and establish infection (bronchitis, pneumonia), coughing itself can spread infectious respiratory diseases such as viral, bacterial, tuberculosis, and gram-negative bacteria. Besides infection, diseases like COPD, asthma, gastric esophageal reflux disease (GERD), and rhinosinusitis can cause a chronic cough.1 Chronic cough can be harmful and impact the patient’s quality of life.

What are the neuronal pathways that are activated in the cough reflex?

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Exercise and Lung Health

Exercise and Lung Health

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Asthma Peak Week

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Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) in Clinical Practice

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