CRCE Courses


Clinical Research Consultation
CRCE Courses
Blogs / Podcast
Guidelines / Publications
Speaking Engagements
Lifelong learning is a core belief at Methapharm
Methapharm Respiratory provides American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) and the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CSRT) approved courses at no cost to healthcare practitioners. CRCE topics are relevant to current clinical practice in respiratory care and support ongoing professional development through learning. Our non-traditional, recorded courses are available on-demand to meet professionals’ schedules and provide convenience. The traditional, live CRCEs are AARC-approved and are delivered in person or through a live, virtual platform. Our Respiratory Clinical Specialists provide presentations at local, state, and national level conferences.
To receive education credits (CRCE) for completing a course, you must access the course by clicking on the ‘Access Members Portal’ button below. If you do not want or need an educational credit, simply click on the appropriate course below to access the presentation.
Course Catalog
Introduction to the Methacholine Challenge Test with Provocholine Self Study Module Part 1
Performing the Methacholine Challenge Test with Provocholine Self Study Module Part 2
Reconstituting Provocholine for Methacholine Challenge Testing
Bronchial Challenge with Mannitol, Self-Study Module
We invite you to contact us at 1-833-887-7686 or via Email.