by Sherian Kington | Oct 30, 2024 | US, Canada
COPD & Emphysema Emphysema is a chronic progressive disease of the airways, specifically the alveoli. Emphysema is the destruction and enlargement of the alveoli. The alveoli are the air sacks located at the ends of the bronchioles (alveolus is the singular or one...
by Sherian Kington | Jun 26, 2024 | Canada, US
262 million people world-wide have asthma. Twenty-five million Americans have asthma. Ten people die each day in the United States from an asthma exacerbation. It is a heterogenous disease that can be difficult to diagnose and manage. There are objective tests...
by Eliza Galange | Apr 30, 2024 | US
There are currently 103,000 people in the US awaiting life-saving organ transplants. Since about 46,000 organ transplants were completed in the US in 2023, the need for this life-saving treatment far outstrips the supply of organs for transplant. As a result of the...
by Sherian Kington | Mar 21, 2024 | US, Canada
Gina Hoots, MSEd, RRT-ACCS, RPFT, CCSH, AE-C, CHC In pulmonary medicine, keeping up with the latest advancements and evidence is crucial for providing optimal care to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The Global Initiative for Chronic...
by Sherian Kington | Jan 26, 2024 | Canada, US
Julie (Beth) Carney, MS, BSRT, RRT, AE-C For many of us, especially in my generation, our fond memories of youth include camping with family, church, or the experience immortalized in many movies: summer camp. Those of us who participated in these camps remember the...