by Sherian Kington | Aug 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
Kenny Harker, RRT, RPFT 2023 AARC SPOTY Award recipient for the Diagnostic Section I’ve heard these words uttered a few times by Ralph Stumbo, the current AARC Diagnostic Section Chair. It wasn’t until two years ago that these words finally pulled at me and prompted...
by Sherian Kington | Jul 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
Heather Murgatroyd, RT The hot topic for the summer of 2023 appears to be air quality. The air quality for my hometown was rated “unhealthy” recently. This led me to wonder, ‘what does that actually mean?’ What are they measuring? Who is doing the measuring and...
by Sherian Kington | Jun 14, 2023 | Uncategorized
Rachel Subramaniam, BSc, MBA In recent years, vaping has gained popularity as a substitute for smoking traditional cigarettes. As a result, it has become particularly prevalent among adolescents and young adults. Although some studies indicate that vaping may be less...
by Sherian Kington | May 17, 2023 | US
Sheila Mackie, RRT Respiratory therapy was not my first career, but I am grateful I chose it. Although every respiratory therapist should consider working in an acute care setting early in their career, there are many options if or when you may burn out or want to...
by Sherian Kington | Apr 19, 2023 | US
Nathan Pounds, BS, RRT, AE-C As respiratory therapists we provide direct patient care, patient education, and care coordination in various in-patient and out-patient settings. This includes acute care facilities, long-term and sub-acute care facilities, skilled...